My voice turned all the heads right towards me, most of them with miffed faces.
"Should I zip my mouth, buddies?" I tried to be funny before the unfriendly flock, but apparently to no avail.
The green-face oldie raised his staff and pointed it straightly to me, murmuring a spell or something that totally beyond my knowledge. And before I could tell myself what to do, a sudden flash blinded my eyes and I was deprived of awareness again, this time by a weird old-timer.
When my eyes opened, I was, not knowing fortunately or unfortunately, in front of a huge rocky mountain, no building or people in sight, nothing but a huge, deeply suntanned mountain. My turn-around surprised me because I saw a vast abyss beneath my feet. I sat myself up as the mountain opened with a noise like the roll of a thunder, revealing a crack leading to lightless inside.
I looked around, sensing no imminent danger and no other ways to go, and sneaked in the crack. Inside, it was dark, real dark, in which I couldn't even see my fingers. I groped through a long and narrow passage. Countless glittering tiny creatures ran up and down on the rocky walls, causing them to glisten as if they were illuminated with fire. After a long slog, I next entered a large hall made of gold, yes, 24 karat gold. Gigantic purple flowers shone on the golden walls, looking like sunflowers in size, but no one could dare to pluck them, for the stems were hideous poisonous serpents, and the flowers were indeed mouths of some alien creatures. Shining glowworms covered the ceiling, and pitch-black bats flapped their transparent wings, making some unwelcome sound. All together the place had a frightful appearance. In the middle of the floor stood a throne supported by four skeleton dragons. The throne itself was made of diamond, and the cushion on it were a group of snakes, each biting the other's tail, to form a round cushion, that no one could dare to sit on. Over it hung a canopy of fiery spider's webs, spotted with the ugliest little flies, which sparkled like precious stones and gave out really smelly odor. On the throne sat a skeleton with a crown on its bony head, and there was also a sceptre in one of its hands.
"Who the hell is this dead guy?" I pondered.
It really took a few minutes to regain my nerve at such a horrible place. After a few thrilling minutes, I started to look around, in efforts to find something precious, and of course an exit.
I examined the dead body with great care, then checking its crown and sceptre. A line was neatly printed on the crown -- To wear or not to wear. Well, the line did remind me of William Shakespeare, a great English poet and playwright, but of course it seemed weird to see such a line on a crown. In no more than three seconds, I had decided to wear the crown to see what it would bring me. Maybe I would be transferred to another weirder place? Maybe I would be magically turned into a warty toad and a nice girl would come kissing me to turn me back into a not-so-handsome guy? Maybe I would drop dead right upon wearing it? Who knows, even John McCain would not able to figure out what to do in this situation but plugging a chip into his forehead and shout DRILL, BABY, DRILL!
The crown was placed on my head and it spoke.
"I'm a sorting crown, I will tell where you go in the next few minutes, the good to Zeaven, the bad to Zell!"
"How ridiculous is this whole shit! Can I quit?" I screamed with a painful voice.
To be continued.