2. 良莠不齐(liáng yǒu bù qí) = 莠:狗尾草,很象谷子,常混在禾苗中。同义词:鱼龙混杂,反义词:泾渭分明(jīng wèi fēn míng)。
3. 不可企及 = 企:希望;及:达到。没有希望达到。形容远远赶不上。
4. 子虚乌有(zǐ xū wū yǒu)= 子虚:并非真实;乌有:哪有。指假设的、不存在的、不真实的事情。
5. 荒诞不经(huāng dàn bù jīng) = 荒诞:荒唐离奇;不经:不合常理。形容言论荒谬,不合情理。
6. Sheeple is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.
It is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority, or suggestion without sufficient research to understand fully the scope of the ramifications involved in that decision, and thus undermine their own human individuality or in other cases give up certain rights. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by a perceived authority figure believed to be trustworthy, without processing it or doing adequate research to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them.
7. Working poor is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.
8. At long last = After a lengthy or troublesome wait or delay: At long last the winter was over.
9. 天堑(tiān qiàn) = natural moat = 天然形成的隔断交通的大壕沟
10. 皈依我佛(guī yī) = 身心归向它、依靠它。