I always have the opinion of that AV is part of our life. And I think most of the male audience would agree. There is an old saying that you never find a boy/man whose hard disk is clean of AV, which is a good testimony for the strong demand posted by us.
For one, AV enthuses us by showing various exotic scenes/behaviors totally beyond our barest imagination. It satisfies some parts of our needs - the needs for what we cannot get. We can have a voluptuous view on things we can never have or try.
And now, it seems gal start to have an interest for AV too. I feels kinda baffling at the start of the idea of 'gals want AV' but now I have accepted wholeheartedly that we should not limit AV to male audience, as there is also huge demand among gals too. Enthusiasm for AV is shown clearly in my partner, due to her 'never-exposure to AV in the past 20 plus years, according to her own testimonies!
Life is colourful and always catch me off guard, doesn't it?