最近有种感觉摩挲着我的心,且越来越烈。是疲惫?还是厌倦?是迷茫?还是无助?可能这种无法形容的感觉对于每一个城市人来说都是无法避免的。日出而作日落而息,机器般的运作,程式般的重复。喧闹的人群,拥挤的车厢,这是每天必经的考验。木讷地坐在电脑前看着0和1组成的各种缤纷元素,突然间这种感觉更加强烈了。每个人都有烦恼,每个人都需要找到自己的way out。在这个moment,这句话最适合我:Way漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求solution。
Though every effort is made to keep the content of this blog correct, it may still contain emotions, exaggerations, unrealistic stories, coarse language, stupid humour, etc. If you are easily offended by items listed above, this blog is NOT for you and please leave IMMEDIATELY by the nearest exit. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Enthusiastic Colleague
Well, fortunately or unfortunately, I have one colleague who works very hard and also has a firm willing to expand her knowledge on a daily basis. She is always the last person to leave our office, and more than that, she recently starts a new blog to record her marketing career. I often wonder why she has energies to do so much while I always rave about tiredness and laziness. I got a painful back ache this week. The ache cuts my remaining momentum and renders me to a dead pool. Comparison is terrible. When you have someone who is enthusiastic you will definitely feel a lot of pressure, most of it from yourself. I gotta find a way out of all of these soon or I will face a real career crisis that I had never met during the past 5 employed years. Good luck to myself!
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