Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Haphazard Tube Interaction with a Chinese Speaking Indian

My mail to a happen-to-meet Indian. XD

Hello Shivi,

I'm Dennis, the guy who had a healthy and funny dialogue with you in subway today. Nice to meet you in China! Well, I'd like to straighten out the fact that why I speak awkward Chinese here as I hadn't got the time to tell you the backdrop in such a brief interaction today.

I was sent to Canada when I was a lil kid for high school education, but the western country didn't fascinate me much, so later I came back to Hongkong, China and worked in a Flash animation studio. Since I was kinda IT-savvy then, so I was soon scouted for a position in UE, a big IT firm specializing in MMORPG services, MMORPG is short for massively multiplayer online role playing game, headquartered in HK and has branches in United States and Guangzhou. Ok, back to the point, so why my Chinese is broken? You know in HK, people speak Cantonese, not Mandarin or Putonghua. So I had some trouble to catch your Mandarine words today. =)

I've checked your websites, and and I hope you don't count on them for business. I've been working as a webmaster and project manager for around 3 years and my sense told me that you need to hire a more skilled web designer for your websites. =)

Ok, so much tonight and have a good night!

Best wishes,


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