2. For years there have been rumours that the mafia was sinking ships with nuclear and other waste on board, as part of a money-making racket.racket = a business or an occupation.3. a constitutional(本质的) inability to tell the truth. = 生来爱撒谎的毛病They are almost constitutionally incapable of casual relationships. 4. That this horrible tragedy happened at all is incomprehensible, but that it happened to her, I think, is infinitely more so. It seems completely senseless.5. 纨绔子弟(wán kù zǐ dì) = 只知享受,什么事也不能干的富贵人家子弟。6. 乔迁之喜 = 祝贺升迁或搬家之词。7. 偏安一隅(yú) = 在残存的一片土地上苟且偷安。8. Companies are innovating in this area, not least by using a tool that is ancient and free: the weather. "Not Least" means that you are making an important point, but not the most important.
Though every effort is made to keep the content of this blog correct, it may still contain emotions, exaggerations, unrealistic stories, coarse language, stupid humour, etc. If you are easily offended by items listed above, this blog is NOT for you and please leave IMMEDIATELY by the nearest exit. Thank you.
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