Though every effort is made to keep the content of this blog correct, it may still contain emotions, exaggerations, unrealistic stories, coarse language, stupid humour, etc. If you are easily offended by items listed above, this blog is NOT for you and please leave IMMEDIATELY by the nearest exit. Thank you.
不是我的茶~~ 估计试图挖掘人性弱点,或探讨人性光辉之类的片子都不适合我。基本整部电影都在挑战我的忍耐力,木有美人,我忍了,木有美景,我忍了。但是居然整部片在表现的暴力,都木有美感?!尼玛让我看啥?!
ReplyDelete至于说是各位演员表现得非常自然的心理转变,尼玛忽悠小孩呢!再自然能当饭吃咩?当我对这镜子本想臭美,但发现长了颗媒婆痘在嘴边的时候,脸上的肌肉的细微,运动配合眼神的变化,一样可以pk一干影帝影后,干嘛要看这样一群大叔大婶的表现啊!坑爹呢!偶要看精彩的故事! 故事!!