Painted Skin is a film about a war between tow women. Xiao Wei and Peirong had asked a same question to Wangsheng:" Will you still love me if I am a lamia?" Wang gave both of them the same answer. To Xiaowei, his true love, Wangsheng said "I love you whatever you are." To Peirou, his wife, he ssaid:" I will always be with you even though you are a lamia."
I don't know this is only a conceit of the direct or such idea exists really, but I have to give my assent to Peirong's action of defending her love. She was wise and composure to contend with Xiaowei. On the other hand, even though Xiaowei is a one thousand year's old fox lamia, but she is still a green hand to complicated love of human being. She thought she would win Wangsheng's love by defeating Peirong, but Wangsheng choose to use himself's live to save his wife.
May be say I love you is easy, but hurt is also easy. So lamia is not a problem, the problem is how to love for long. Lack of trust or support, love will die. May be this is what direct wanted to tell us.