Dennis(AKA Damnist) is 26 years of age and has been working at UE, in a good many positions, for around 3 years. To say Dennis is an Internet maniac is something of an understatement. Dennis is not in himself a daydreamer, though he used to think he would meet a venture capitalist someday in the future to turn an innovative project into a cash cow. Dennis achieved almost nothing early in his life, but eventually realized there might be something he had been missing out on by not being able to understand life properly.
In February of 2006, he joined UE and was initially installed in a customer service slot, working both day and night shift.
A few months into his job, he started to display a wide range of quasi-ridiculous thoughts.
Another couple of months later, he began to act out his quasi-ridiculousness brilliantly, and in creative ways..
Unsurprisingly, Dennis lived up to his ridiculousness throughout his working life at UE, and earned some kudos due to that.
Dennis is not rich. Dennis also doesn't have any magical secret for learning English quickly and successfully. He learns it pretty much the same way every earthling does.
Dennis was a very poor student and skipped classes in bulk, and felt guilty of truancy sometimes. But later Dennis was pleased to discover that no one actually cared if he was in classroom or not. Dennis doesn't want to imply that college is bad or anything. He's just saying that there is always other ways out.
When Dennis was younger, he fought on streets a lot, and once took on 3 guys in a single fight, and won. Sadly, matureness has made Dennis less aggressive and battlesome.
Dennis has never really lost in any battle and contest, important or unimportant. But he did lose a lot in his native city, thanks to his distorted sense of direction.
Dennis found and fell in love with his better half during a backbreaking house-moving, when he confessed to a fairy-like girl, the first time in his life, all the wrongdoings of his past. And popped the question subsequently in an unrestrained manner.
She accepted, after imposing an IQ test on Dennis.
Now, Dennis is just another ordinary guy trying to be a man, with heart afire.
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