In the Harry Potter universe, a basilisk is a monstrous serpentine creature. Much larger than its mythical counterpart, the basilisk of the Harry Potter universe is capable of reaching lengths of up to fifty feet and living for hundreds of years. Basilisks are completely uncontrollable except by Parselmouths, the language of snakes, and the first basilisk is believed to have been created by a Dark wizard. A basilisk kills people with its powerful venom and with its stare, which is immediately lethal to anyone who gazes at it directly. To anyone who gazes at it indirectly, such as through a camera or in a reflection, it induces a profound state of petrifaction. Ghosts who look at it directly will become petrified, as they cannot die again. It would seem that glasses do not work as protection from a basilisk's eyes as Moaning Myrtle, now a ghost in Harry Potter fantasy, was described as wearing spectacles and yet still died. The tear of a phoenix is the only known cure for the devastating effect of the basilisk's venom.
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