Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pizza Hut Viral Marketing Video

An innovative combination of a slew of movie clips to create this very impressive Pizza Hut viral marketing video! Check it out here! Beggar description!

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ask Questions, Demand Answers

Today I took some time to review the event of 911 and happened to reach this shocking documentary (with Chinese subtitles). The 80+ mins documentary reveals something behind the 911 tragedy. No, I should say it tells the story from a completely different angle. The beautifully-crafted footage states the Pentagon was hit by missiles, not aircraft; and the twin towers were destroyed by large numbers of bombs preset inside the buildings, not aircrafts. All of these revelations contradicted with what we were seriously told before, by officials.

Who's telling lies? What's the ultimate truth?

Alright, I'll just drop out here and leave the rest to you.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Preparation Work Done

After three hours humdrum banking processes, I came out from banks with a big smile on my face. All the money preparation work has done and what next will be a few mouse clicks before getting a coveted house located next to riverbank.

I've never imagined myself owning a house at the age of 27. Now my whole life will move to the next stage, a stage full of pressure and debt, but I know I will be well alive after this treacherous time. With the help of my soul mate, I'm a man fear nothing.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekly Knowledge Gains

1. 周遭(zhōuzāo) = around; 她对周遭的环境抱着疑惧的态度。

2.  终南捷径(zhōng nán jié jìng) = 指求名利的最近便是门路。也比喻达到目的的便捷途径。= shortcut to success.

3.  沆瀣一气(hàng xiè yī qì) = 比喻臭味相投的人结合在一起。= to act in collusion with. = 狼狈为奸,同流合污。

4. 憷(chù) = 害怕,这孩子憷见生人,憷场。

5. Not suitable/safe for work (NSFW) is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in E-mail, movies (such as on Youtube) and on interactive discussion areas (such as internet forums, blogs and community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which may be sexually explicit or include audio containing profanity, helping the reader avoid potentially objectionable content.

6. 言简意赅(gāi) = concise and comprehensive

7. circular file = wastebasket = 废纸篓(lǒu)

8. 孜孜()不倦 = diligently; assiduously; indefatigably; tirelessly; sedulously; with incessant vigor; with unremitting (or unfailing) assiduity;

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe