Saturday, July 30, 2011

观影记46:Your Highness (2011)

超级无脑血腥色情同性奇幻电影。影片里面充满各种各样的低俗tricks和lines,就看你好不好这口了!比《这不是斯巴达》更为恶心,其中某些镜头绝对冲击你的接受程度,比如某人被牛头怪fuck、某人割下牛头怪的dick当战利品。。。等等。不过这部恶心低俗的搞笑片倒是花了不少心思打造特效,不少场景的特效做得有声有色。Come on!无脑放松!

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

观影记45:Tropa de Elite 2 (2010)

第2次看巴西电影,精英部队2着实没让我失望,比第一部还精彩,真实用力地揭示了政治和权利背后的黑暗。当中另我印象很深的几句对白:The system is heavily fucked. I have been trying to believe there is justice in my whole life. 老实说,看这种片只会让我们对这个社会的仇视感更强,但我们又不甘活在自愚自乐之中,想知道到底这个系统下藏有多少污垢。在巴西,至少这种题材的片能成为最卖座的片之一,而在我的国家,恐怕连拍摄都是不可能的。影片最后说了一句,要改变这种系统要take times,不知到要多久,更不知道我,甚至我的下一代,有没有机会见证那璀璨的一刻。

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

观影记44:X-Men: First Class (2011)


Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

观影记43:The Green Hornet (2011)

又一个富二代,为什么我说又。。。不过有两点真的很亮!1、主角的语言,太他妈丰富幽默了,幽默感一点也不比《The Big Bang》里的对话差。2、那台车太拉风了,武器比蝙蝠侠的座驾都要厉害,还2轮驱动!周董表现果然是平平,真的只有做sidekick的水平。没有坊间说的那么差,用以消遣娱乐是完全足够的。

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Monday, July 11, 2011

观影记42:海云台 (2009)


Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Farewell Gift to Anna

Well, just went through a busy day working on a flash animation. The result was good, finally I had a beautifully-crafted farewell gift to present.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Self Confessed

A post that I wrote in the past but never got to publication. But today here it is.

It is 22:37.

I just took a bath. What happened was a thought flashed across my mind like a gloomy ghost. The thought sped through every inch of my vein, burning my blood hot and making me almost unable to breathe. It was a terrible warning sign that something inside me was amiss. The culprit is -- the thought of guilt.

Another weekend is passing with no fruits. It's time to ask myself WHYs. The problem existed long before, but as now it explored, I need to deal with it head-to-head.

I feel guilty, and I think it's the right time to feel it, guilty of wasting time, guilty of staying put, guilty of spending most of my weekend on clicking web game instead of hitting books. Yes, I'm praying for mercy and lenity. It's my penitence. (Damn, I even need to look up the dic for this word, an implication that my pool of vocabulary is dwindling before I become aware of it.)

I look back, and find that I achieved almost nil during the past months.(Yes, I dare to say months) I vowed to give up X-world but failed altogether; I swore to read books every night but never really opened a single book; I made a solemn declaration that I would beef my muscles up but I kept getting skinny. What the heck was wrong with me? A mind with a weak power that could do nothing but 'make childish wishes'? I simply hate that.

I realize that I am now lost and completely in a sea. I let myself into a maze and cannot find a way out. Slack has somehow got into my body and occupied me in full. I got to take some actions before everything is too late.

I just read a book about the success of the CEO of Tencent. It inspired me that perseverance was the key to success. I once had some, but it seems that I am losing it now, real fast. It seems to me that I've stopped dead in my very way to higher achievement. I need to reverse the track that I'm taking.

I deeply know that a single blog piece would never be enough to revive my true self. But I think this is a good start to kick up some of my dormient persistence.

In the couple of days I will re-start my blog in an enthusiastic way. I will talk about the X-world, from a product manager angle. I will not indulge myself into it anymore. I will look at it more like a product than a game. I will start to analyze it instead of playing it headlessly.

Come back to yourself Dennis. The once top-of-the-world, knowledge-hungry man.


Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

X World

I was once hooked by a SNS game named X World. This game is very hot in overseas market, though with a different name of Mafia. The game is interactive and requires a lot of friends joining your group in order to strengthen your team.

The Task System is well designed as it always leads you to a point where you are close to next level, so you have a feeling that you will soon hop into next level and will have a new experience. This kind of feeling will keep you to the game for a whole day because you feel you achieve things all along the way.

The Item System is good as it rewards you with different items and some of the items need to be collected when doing your tasks.

However, after sticking it to half a year, I quited cold turkey for the reason that the game stopped updating and no longer provided me with an ounce of entertainment. I do think X World is a good game and I would say it would be very addictive if the developer team continues to feed it with focus. But they didn't, and the empire they established collapsed almost overnight. A pity to many but not me. =)

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

观影记41:How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

Another excellent movie that I watched on TV screen this week, but sadly it's not blue disk! Though the line was not too impressive but overall it was well worthwhile your time. What amazed me most was the boss dragon who had six eyes and could give out fire in a destructive way!

And the idea behind the whole movie is that do not always try to beat your enemy by means of violence, try first to understand your enemy and find out the source of hatred. Do not always go for kill, try to tame instead! I think this idea can also be applied to any organization where hierarchical management is involved. If you are a leader of a team, you should know the power of taming.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

For music lovers, is a savior. This statement does not come from no where. I can verify it by telling you a story of mine. I am a music lover but with almost no spare time to find new songs to entertain my ears. I used to search and download songs that I love and stored them all in my harddisk for the rare moments of audio feast. But that made me a drudge. Searching for downloadable music is never a thing to enjoy. And this had been a pain to me until I found, an online music player that can automatically find you what you want to hear!

Though the AI behind the music robot still needs to be improved, you should not hesitate to feel the magic of!

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

A Weird Dream

Haha, this post is ancient which I wrote but did not post. Now it is time to expose!

Last night I had a weird dream. The dream shows me and my darling in a small square room with only a bed, a door and a glass window. We two soon become highly amorous on the poorly decorated bed. Apparently, we want to "走在一起". When we are all prepared, with clothes all off, we hear a sound at the window. It is Ring standing by the window who has an intention to peek through the window. We are scared and both keep silence till Ring walks away reluctantly after several failed attempts.

We compose ourselves and try to regain our amorousness. The atmosphere grow romance again. But when the time is right to "走在一起", we hear a female voice at the door saying something like "it's time for dinner." It turns out to be Chenli, a roommate of my darling Zoe. We grumble to dress up for the meal.


And I wake up... in my own bed... alone.


Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

How Serious Are We Being Affected?

Thanks to a headless Internet crackdown in China, I had first-hand experienced about how serious my life was being affected when most of the Google and other internet services were ripped off from us.

Now a list of major services that are unavailable in China:

Google Docs
Google Plus
Google Blogger
Google Gmail

What should we have... a LAN and a GFW.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Why Do We Need AV?

Be warned, this topic is very sensitive. Leave immediately if you are somehow allergic to adult videos.

Out of pure curiosity tonight, I asked myself a question - why do we need AV? The 'we' here refers to us male. So to make it clear, why do man need AV? (should I include boy?)

My input is that AV helps us reach our wildest imagination. Everyone wants to try new things, and AV gives us a fresh feeling that we cannot touch in real world. Advanced postures, women with great figures, things that you want to try but never got a chance... these are reasons why man is desperate to drill into the AV universe.

Me? A normal husband who of course keeps a crate of ammunition in case someday I need them to reach climax. =P

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Busy Poor or Busy Happy

You can be busy, or you can be poor. But don't be a busy poor.

Spending all hours for meager income is not why we are employed.

In this fast-pace society, it is like we live in a pressure cooker leaving us no choice.

Working busy just to keep us survive, or working dead just to fulfill our material needs.

Why shouldn't we think in another way?

We can be busy, or we can be happy. Or we can be a busy happy!

Chase what make you feel happy, do not mind the money you make from the job that makes you happy!

Mentally healthy is not less important than materially healthy!

If your current job does not give you a sense of happiness? Then you should find the nearest exit to find your share.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe


PhotoFunia is an online photo editing tool that gives you a fun-filled experience. You upload any photo and just wait to see the magic. The proprietary technology automatically identifies the face in the photo and let's you add cool photo effects and create funny face photo montages.

PhotoFunia is free and very easy to use. Just select an effect you like from over 100 different effects, upload your photo, and PhotoFunia will do the rest for you.

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Anatomization of My Worsening English

In a post months early I brought up a terrible finding that my dominion on English was weakening, in a speed that has surpassed even my wildest expectation.

It's not hard to figure out why. I blamed the waning on my usage of English, which has been on a constantly downward trajectory. Of course many sub-factor contribute to this, like the blocking of my Google Blog, Twitter, Facebook and other social networks in China, which equal to a complete closing of most of my English channels. Secondly, my passion for English was no longer boiling-hot. After years of English learning, it has pasted the prime time and reached a bottleneck.

However, every coin has two faces. When I feel my English is weakening, I see my Chinese awakened by my efforts. But of course I do not want to lose what I have earned from years of hardworking. I will try to keep my English sharp in the days ahead, by ways of 'blah blah blah'. The solution is not clear at this stage, but there should be a solution, isn't there?

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

观影记40:武侠 (2011)

It has been quite a while since my last writing about watching a movie. Things turn really busy as my wife started her own c2c shop days ago and I gotta cut down my entertainment and offer my helping hands.


Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Historic Day!

Today, yes, it is today! We have our first unpaid order, first fan, first real order from a Beijing customer.

It's a good start, and we will keep this spirit in the upcoming days to earn ourselves a bright future!

Posted via email from Dennis & Zoe