Friday, March 6, 2009

The Storm is Coming Around

Finally, my direct boss lost its post, after a stormy meeting, in which he got smacked relentlessly by CEO David. I did feel a bit surprise facing this outcome.

Today's friend would be your enemy tomorrow in this cruel business world. David now trusts no-one, except himself and a "karma boy", which turned out to be Issac. Pooh...

The whole company has literally come to a grand halt, with broken gears strewn all over the place and lowered morale felt in every single dept. Before David is a huge mess that will take him a hell lot of time to solve, if solvable anyway.

I've been working for UE in the past three years and saw its burgeon, growth, half-death, ups and downs, turns and twists... etc. And I've finally realized, from its agonizing lessons, why management talents are so critical to a big corp. Want to run a corp? Do it after arming yourself with adequate management skills, if you want to avoid an escapable doom.

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