Friday, December 12, 2008

Some Chic Words

1. dis = disrespect

I was supposed to meet these guys in front of MacDonald's at noon, but nobody showed up. What happened I don't know but maybe they dissed me by going someplace else without telling me.

2. props = proper respect

I really have to give you a lot of props.

3. veg = to engage in relaxing or passive activities. Often used with out.

I'm so glad that the week is almost over! I've had too much work to do. So I'm staying home and vegging this weekend. I won't do anything not even think about my deadlines next week.

4. chill = to calm down or relax; to pass time idly;

Oh, no! Mom's going to be so mad that we broke the window, and we'll be in deep trouble. We've got to chill and think about what story we can tell her, so she won't get too angry.

We didn't do much yesterday. Tim came over to my house, and we pretty much chilled there all day. We watched TV, played a few video games, and had some snacks -- nothing special.

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